Hidden Hotel Secrets: Confessions Of Housekeeping Staff

The Bathtub Chronicles


You’ll never want to bathe in a hotel tub again after this. It sounds like nearly every housekeeper out there has made some kind of disgusting discovery in the bathtubs of the rooms they clean. One redditor in Nevada said “I found all kinds of weird stuff but the thing that takes the cake was the entire toenail of someone’s big toe. Found it in the bathtub. I almost vomited.” Other reported discoveries include things from dead bodies to vegetables.

To make matters even worse, a study conducted by the Journal of Microbiology found that “the highest levels of contamination were in the housekeepers’ cleaning implements, including sponges and mops—those very same ones that are used to clean bathroom tubs, sinks, and floors.” This information doesn’t exactly make us want to get into a hotel bath anytime soon.