If These Terrible People Aren’t Your Neighbors, Consider Yourself Very Lucky
Most of us have had our fair share of bad neighbors. Whether it's the couple that has loud screaming matches every night or a nosy kid who keeps trying to peek in your windows, neighbors can be a real pain. But these people take the whole "bad neighbor" thing to a completely new level. Check out these horrible neighbors and be very, very glad they don't live next door to you.
When Creepy McCreeperson Lives Next Door
Imagine the alarm you'd feel if your seemingly normal neighbor suddenly decorated their garden with a whole bunch of naked dolls. Especially if the dolls appeared in the yard overnight and with no explanation offered.
It’s safe to say that anyone who would do this to their house has very little regard for what their neighbors think. Maybe this was just for Halloween or something, but it doesn’t exactly look like fall in the photo. So creepy.
Garden Of Thrones
So, upcycling is a really cool thing to do. That's where you take objects that would normally be thrown away and use them for a new purpose. Wait, let’s clarify that upcycling is usually cool. We have to draw the line here, though, with this yard filled with old toilets.
This whole concept of a lawn covered in toilets is just too much to subject your neighbors to. No one wants to see that as they’re pulling into their driveway after a long day at work. Keep the toilets where they belong, please: in the bathroom.
Be Careful What You Wish For, Bob
Bob has apparently been nagging his neighbor about painting their fence. We're not sure why the fence color is any of Bob’s business, but Bob must think he has a say over whatever his neighbors do to their homes and property.
We love the response to Bob. They painted the fence alright, just not the way he probably wanted them to. "Look Bob, I’ve painted my fence :)" is the perfect comeback for a neighbor who’s tired of being nagged.
When The Moon Hits Your Eye...
This is one we haven't seen before – a person getting mooned by a shrub. Looks like maybe he’ll be building a taller fence after this incident. Wonder how long it took the gardening expert to pull this stunt off and turn a bush into an offensive sculpture?
The best part is that the neighbor looks legitimately angry AT the shrub, as if it’s the one at fault here. Don’t blame the shrub, man, he’s just the messenger.
So Many Questions
Now here's a redneck neighbor who might be sinking your property value with his bizarre antics, but at least it looks like he could be kind of fun to hang out with every now and then. Looking at this photo left us with more than a few questions, though.
What is he doing up there? Is the ground level just not good enough for him? And he has a crutch up there with him – meaning how in the heck did he even get up onto the roof? This one is a real head-scratcher.
Dumbo, Is That You?
We're trying to think of any reasonable explanation for this situation. How did a life-sized elephant sculpture end up on its back in the middle of this neighbor’s driveway? Maybe they’re just those kinds of people who never finish a project.
Like, maybe they decided they wanted a realistic looking elephant in the backyard but when they realized they couldn’t get it through the front door they just abandoned it there. And now the whole neighborhood has to see it every time they pass by this house.
Double Buzz
You can tell by looking at this man that he thinks he has it all figured out. He's totally beat the whole "mowing the lawn" game by hooking his lawnmower up to the back of his scooter. But there are a few problems with his genius idea.
First, this would probably take him twice as long as it would just pushing the dang mower around like a normal person. And second, now his neighbors have to hear TWO loud sounds when he decides to cut the grass: the lawnmower AND the scooter. What a selfish guy.
Snow Jerk
Shoveling snow is a grueling task and one that people dread every winter. This guy is being a responsible homeowner and braving the cold in order to get his yard clear of the white stuff. But what's he doing there? Oh, he’s dumping it right into his next-door neighbor’s yard. Real nice.
We’re glad someone caught this snow jerk in the act. Now his neighbors know why it always seems like their house got more snow than everyone else in the area.
Drunk Or Crazy?
Someone in a discussion forum was talking about this photo and wondered whether the homeowners were drunk or crazy. We're guessing a little bit of both. The whole scene is nuts: a gigantic pink elephant drinking a martini, surrounded by a ton of little pink plastic flamingoes.
Yep, drunk and crazy is probably the answer. Let’s hope they’re at least friendly toward their neighbors after forcing them to look at this bizarre exhibit day after day.
What A Great Idea
This person clearly wanted to add some security to their sprawling suburban home. So they did what lots of people do when they want more privacy and security: they added a gate (complete with a monogram—classy!).
They missed a really key element to the whole gate concept, though. You kind of need a wall or something else to stop people from just walking or driving around the little gate. This is ridiculous and just makes these people look like unneighborly jerks. Look at their grass, there are tired tracks. Fail.
Only One Person Is Invited To This House
This lousy neighbor wanted to avoid visitors so badly that he built his house upside down. We don't even see a way to get into the place. Which probably explains why he also hung a lifesized replica of Spider-Man climbing up the side of the wall.
Maybe we’re misinterpreting it, but this is the message we’re getting: "Don’t even bother trying to visit. Unless you’re Spider-Man you’re never getting in anyway."
When Fights Between Neighbors Get Really Bad
There's an expression that says "fences make good neighbors." That saying definitely does not fit the situation here. According to the photo caption, “these neighbors were fighting, so one put up a fence on the other’s driveway because it’s technically his property.”
Ouch, that’s low. Now the man’s neighbor can’t even get his car up to his house unless he drives in the yard? All over a silly fight? He needs to move out of here like yesterday.
Stealing The Show?
This holiday arrangement leaves us wondering who the real jerk is. Is it the house that went overboard with the garish lighting that probably makes it hard to sleep at night without blackout curtains?
Or is it the people who put up only one decoration; a lighted arrow pointing to the brightly festooned house next door? We suppose the answer depends on whether the arrow is just meant to say a friendly "ditto" to the neighbor's decorations or if it’s meant to steal from the glory of the other house. We might never know the real answer. And we guess we can live with that.
Happy Holidays!
… as in ALL the holidays. At first glance, most people would probably assume it was Halloween, because of all the life-sized skeletons decorating the yard. But wait one minute. There are also a bunch of Fourth of July elements going on here… a wreath on the door and the skeletons' hats and ties.
So do all these crazy decorations stay up year-round then? That’s a pretty tacky and confusing thing to do to your neighbors. Pick a holiday and stick with it, please.
Bombs Away
These guys just might take the top prize for people who actually endanger their neighbors with their bone-headed behavior. Rather than simply carrying the unwanted sofa down the steps (presumably the same way it got up there in the first place), they decided to just toss it over the third-floor balcony railing.
We sure hope they looked around carefully before giving the couch the old heave-ho, because a falling object like that could seriously hurt or even kill someone. Bad neighbors, indeed.
What a nice welcome to this neighbor's home: a mean-looking donkey shaped mailbox where the opening is his… rear end. It’s not quite clear whether the owner of this mailbox means it as a joke or if it’s really a warning that there’s a crotchety old grump living here.
Either way, we bet the mailman doesn’t really treasure having to stop at this house every day and opening up the donkey’s keister.
Not Cool. Not Cool At All
This unfortunate story was shared to Reddit by a user named Dreampopper, who explained the situation. "My neighbor owed me $288.66 for my vet bills after his Great Dane attacked my Golden. This is how he paid me, one day before I was going to take him to small claims court."
We can't even believe the nerve of this guy. It's bad enough that the Redditor's precious dog was hurt, but to have his neighbor pull such a jerk move in response is just too much. We hope Dreampopper and his Golden were able to move away after this incident.
Just Some Good Old Neighborly Fun
OK, we WANT to live next door to these zany neighbors. What could be more fun than waking up to some lol-worthy pranks every now and then? In this case, the tricksters put a lifesize dinosaur (a velociraptor, to be exact) right outside their neighbor's window in the middle of the night.
Imagine the fright this homeowner got when they first opened their blinds to welcome the daylight inside. Hopefully, it didn’t take long for them to realize that it was a fake and that Jurassic Park hadn’t come true overnight.
Firefighters vs. Cops
Now, here's a completely different neighbor setup. This hilarious photo was posted to Imgur with the caption, "Our fire station is next door to the Police department. Pranks ensue." In this case the firefighters have set up a huge box trap with the words “free donuts” and an arrow pointing down.
It’s kind of hard to tell what the cop in the photo is thinking about the trick. We’d love to see the prank that the police came with in response to this one!
"You Kids Get Off My Lawn!"
We're willing to bet that the person who made this kid-eating snowman is the neighborhood crank. You know the type. It's usually an older man who shakes his fist as he’s yelling at passing children to "get off his lawn!"
You just have to wonder why he’s so concerned about protecting his yard. It doesn’t exactly look nice here, just a patch of dead grass and filthy brown snow. But at least the kids will stay away now that the snowman is threatening to eat them.
A Precarious Perch
Um, what? This hat-wearing guy made a hugely unfriendly move by climbing onto a neighbor’s roof and then proceeding to drop his pants and actually relieve himself into their chimney. All the while, he's reading the paper.
If this photo isn’t from a news story that ended up with this guy in cuffs then we’re flabbergasted. Defecating into someone's fireplace is not just rude and disgusting, it’s probably illegal too. At least we hope it is…
The Rock Is Always Watching...
How's this for an unfriendly look? This unsocial neighbor put a cardboard cutout of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson right by their front door, presumably to frighten people out of paying a friendly visit.
Then again, The Rock is probably a pretty good theft deterrent... if this community is experiencing a bunch of crimes then you really can't blame the person who lives here for trying to keep their stuff safe.
Always There
If this wasn't taken on Halloween or some other appropriate holiday, then this photo is downright disturbing. Why is a fully-grown man dressed as a cat-devil (or whatever he’s supposed to be) and crouching down on the sidewalk while waving to his across the street neighbor?
We can only imagine that this is his usual behavior and that the fed-up neighbor couldn’t take any more of it. Naturally, they snapped his photo and posted it online as their response to his bizarre antics.
One, Two, Freddy's Coming For You
The person who stays in this bedroom must have really, really done something awful to their neighbor. Putting a life-size cutout of Freddy Krueger in someone's window, where they’re going to be startled to death next time they open the curtains, is a pretty serious act of revenge.
We just hope that when this homeowner opened the curtains they didn’t pass out or have a heart attack or something. Maybe they were even able to laugh it off. Eventually.
Which Came First?
We can't figure out just what the heck is going on here. Were some neighbors upset by this crazy, but kind of cool, display of plastic pink flamingos and called the police because of it?
Or did the neighbors call the police for some unrelated reason and these homeowners put the army of flamingos out as a warning? Like, "you’d better watch out or my lawn ornaments are coming to get you?" Either way, we kinda like this look.
Keeping Up With The Joneses
This is one of those neighbors who just can't stand that he doesn't have nice stuff like the people next door. When they get a new car, he does too. New jacuzzi? You can bet he's going to try and top that.
In this case, the guy just went into his bathroom, disconnected the bathtub, and dragged it right out into the backyard. It looks like he made himself a table out of beer cases with a board on top before getting in to revel in all his tub's impressive glory.
Bad Dog Or Weird Grandson?
This neighbor is over whoever is allowing their dog to defecate on their lawn. It must have really gotten out of hand because they are willing to use a family member to get even.
The sign reads: "We have video. We know where you live. If you don't pick up after your dog, we'll send our grandson to poop on your lawn." Bad dog or weird grandson? We're not sure who is worse here, the neighbor who put up the sign or the neighbor who let their dog poop so much on the lawn that it lead to this point.
This Neighbor Isn't Happy With Their HOA
This homeowner knew they would have to deal with a homeowner's association (HOA) when they bought their home but that doesn't mean they are always happy with the organization. This piece of fencing was purposefully placed to send a strong message. A user on Reddit posted the following message: "The HOA in my friend's neighborhood recently threatened her neighbors with a fine if they didn’t hide their trash cans, even though they’ve been in the same spot for over a decade. This is their solution." The bad neighbor's, in this case, are the people supporting the HOA.
This Guy Doesn't Like Balls In His Yard.
Reddit user Ham9294 shared this photo and wrote: "Whenever a ball goes into my neighbor's yard, he puts them in his tree so no one can get them back." It's bad enough that they're grumpy and hate children having fun, it's even worse that they display the balls just out of the reach of neighborhood kids. We're a bit torn on this one. Is this neighbor just awful or have they started to teach children in their neighborhood how to deal with disappointment later in life? We think they're just a huge jerk.
This Christmas Display Was Built On Purpose
We would love to say that a horrible storm came through and destroyed a well thought out Christmas display but that's not the case. This photo was shared on Reddit where it was determined that the display was built to look like exactly as it stands in the picture.We don't know if the neighbor has a sick sense of humor, hates their neighbors, or both. In any case, this isn't the type of jolly Christmas display most neighbors would want to stare at every day leading up to December 25.
The Toilet Driveway
Imagine living next to the neighbor who thought using toilets to line their driveway was a brilliant idea. This might actually be a worse idea than the toilet garden we wrote about earlier. Maybe the owner of this home is an artist who was making some type of point about society. The bigger possibility is that they are just the worst and their neighbors avoid them at every turn possible.
Live In The Left Side While Fending Off Hauntings On The Right
When you live in a duplex that isn't controlled by a home owners association you always run the risk that something like this will happen. Imagine taking care of your home only to walk outside every day and see the neighbor's side of the home. If the person on the left side of the property wants to sell their home we have a sad feeling they aren't going to receive market value for their well kept part of the property.
This Lazy Neighbor Just Keeps Piling Up Their Junk
It's great that this neighbor decided to upgrade their deteriorating swimming pool. Sadly, they didn't spend the 30 minutes it would have required to take down the disgusting old above ground pool. If your neighbor is this lazy there's a very good chance you'll never see the grass on their lawn because of all the junk they've left lying around for years. Your best option is just to sell your house, pack up, and leave.
Strongly-Worded Sign
How does the expression go? Bad fences make bad neighbors? If so, the sign on this fence is definitely making a good case. "This fence was installed to prevent my neighbor from destroying my plants!"
We can only imagine what was going on that led to such a strongly-worded sign. Was the neighbor intentionally destroying the plants? Was it just an accident (like maybe their dog went to the bathroom on them once)? Whatever the reason, these neighbors are not happy to live next to each other. Sad.
That's A Low Blow
Apartment living definitely has its perks (no yard work!) but it also comes with its fair share of problems. Sound issues are a common thing that neighbors fight over in apartment communities.
Even so, is it really OK to criticize your neighbor's singing voice? This seems like a low blow to us. The singer in question must really belt out the tunes loudly if it attracted such a negative response from next door.