The Suicide Squad Hero/Villains Include A Shark Man And A Rat Catcher

Photo Credit: FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP/Getty Images
James Gunn is going extra weird for his rebooted version of Suicide Squad. Aptly titled The Suicide Squad, the new version will get rid most of the original characters, bringing in a new rag tag group of villains turned into heroes. Their names are King Shark, Peacemaker, Ratcatcher, and Polka-Dot Man.
Details about the plot are still underwraps, but Warner Brothers is reportedly in love with Gunn’s script and want the film to begin shooting this fall. The only character confirmed to be returning from the less than stellar original is Deadshot, although Will Smith is being replaced with Idris Elba.
As for the new characters, here’s an quick breakdown. King Shark is an anthropomorphized hammerhead shark also called Nanaue. Ratcatcher is an exterminator with the power to control rats. He will also be gender-swapped to be a she in The Suicide Squad. Polka-Dot Man wears a costume covered in removable polka dots that can became weapons. And finally, Peacemaker is an extreme pacifist who is willing to go to deadly lengths to ensure peace.
There is still one question left unanswered; is Harley Quinn returning? Although her costume was rightfully criticized, Margot Robbie was the highlight as the crown princess of crime in Suicide Squad. The character was so well liked that she is getting a spin-off, making her future in James Gunn’s movie unclear.