These Are All The Family Secrets Trump Doesn’t Want You To Know About

Donald Trump’s unlikely presidency has become one of the most divisive issues in the United States. Whether they love the guy and his policies or think he has absolutely no place in the White House, people just can’t get enough news about Trump. While the President has been an open book about a few select aspects of his life, details about his close family members aren’t as well-known. Here are the craziest facts about America’s First Family, including some surprising background information on each member as well as more recent news and other developments.

A Yuge Family

In his trademark accent, Donald Trump would say that his family is "YUGE!" Trump has fathered five kids with his three different wives! The Trump kids live in various areas of the country but they all took traveled to assist him with his 2016 presidential campaign.

All his kids might have blondish hair but they have had very different life experiences. Wait until you hear the real truth about Trump's daughter Tiffany.


Daughter Ivanka Trump


Ivanka Trump is the oldest daughter of Donald. Her mother is former model Ivana Trump. Ivanka is now an advisor to her dad. She also has a career in business and is famous worldwide for her gorgeous looks. Trump has even gone so far to say that Ivanka is his "favorite" child. Wonder how that makes his other children feel!


Donald Trump Jr.


Donald Trump Jr. is Mr. Trump's first son. He’s also a product of Trump and Ivana’s marriage. Trump Jr. was born in 1977. He’s now the Executive Vice President of the Trump Organization. One distinguishing feature of Trump Jr. is that he’s not blonde like the rest of his siblings.


Despite his successful career, he's experienced some personal problems... We’ll learn more about that later!


Jr. Hunts Endangered Animals


Trophy hunter Donald Trump Jr. is said to have gone on several hunting trips to Zimbabwe. In fact, he might even have killed a few endangered animals. He once said, "I'm a hunter. For that I make no apologies." Trump Jr. credits hunting with keeping him from getting into trouble when he was a child, but many would say that killing animals for fun is a bizarre hobby.


What else does Junior do in his spare time? We’ll learn more later.


The Other Daughter, Tiffany Trump


Tiffany Trump, now 24 years old, is the daughter of Donald and his second wife, Marla Maples. Tiffany is definitely the most private of Trump’s five children, but even she has stepped into the spotlight more after her father became president. Tiffany is certainly mysterious, but there are a couple of things we do know about her!


Donald Didn't Raise Tiffany


Tiffany Trump wasn't raised by her father on the East Coast, unlike all of her siblings. Mother Marla Maples married Donald Trump shortly after Tiffany was born but they got divorced when she was just six years old. After her parents split, Tiffany was raised by Marla in California. Trump went on to date and then marry Melania, his third wife.


On election day, Trump told Fox and Friends that "I'm very proud of my children... but I'm very proud 'cause Don and Eric and Ivanka and, you know, to a lesser extent 'cause she just got out of school, out of college, but, uh, Tiffany, who's also been so terrific."


Barron Trump, The Youngest


Barron Trump, 11 years old, is the son of Donald and his third wife, Melania. Although he is still in school, Barron made several appearances during his father’s presidential campaign. Of course, since he’s just a kid, no one blames him for occasionally yawning during his dad's speeches!


Eric Trump


Ivana and Donald’s third child is son Eric. Like his siblings, Eric is also successful in business and remains involved with his father's company. Eric is married to a CBS News Associate Producer, which is pretty interesting considering his father’s relationship with the media.


According To Howard Stern, Trump Hoped Hillary Would Win


Shock jock Howard Stern says that he warned Trump what kind of situation he was getting into when he first ran for office. After Trump admitted (100 days into the job) that being the president was a lot more work than he’d expected, Stern told Reuters, “I was at [expletive] Mar-a-Lago laughing about it. I said, ‘What are you, out of your [expletive] mind?’”


“He’s sitting in the [expletive] White House dreaming about getting to Mar-a-Lago, where he was. Believe me, nobody wanted Hillary to win more than Donald Trump. He didn’t need this. He’s got the kind of life you dream of."


Rumors Of Plastic Surgery


Many people believe that Melania Trump appears to have undergone some plastic surgery. After all, she’s a former model and the modeling industry is all about appearances. But the First Lady has repeatedly denied the claims of going under the knife or getting Botox injections. In an interview with GQ Melania stated "I didn’t do anything. I live a healthy life, I take care of my skin and my body. I’m against Botox, I’m against injections."


Is This A Family of Elitists?


Ivanka Trump has repeatedly been accused of acting rudely to flight attendants and other airline personnel. If these rumors are true, it must be because she’s quite accustomed to traveling on a private jet! Unless she’s just a pro at masking her real self when she’s out representing her dad. Either way, she apparently doesn’t like flying in business class.


He Has High Expectations


You might guess it’s an easy life, but apparently, it’s actually pretty rough to grow up in the Trump family. That’s because Donald Sr. maintains extremely high expectations for his kids (as you would probably expect). He also hates to be disappointed, which adds another layer of responsibility at the kids’ feet. Even so, the many benefits of growing up “Trump” must have been worth the pressure.


Kids Like His Are "Very Troubled," According To Trump


Trump has been quoted as saying that "the children of highly successful people tend to be very troubled." We certainly hope that he meant this as a general comment about other kids who are raised by wealthy and successful individuals and not as a remark about his own family.


A Favorite Story To Tell


In a 2016 New York Times interview, Donald Trump’s longtime butler dished a ton of gossip about the now-president. Anthony Senecal, the butler, said that Trump frequently gave tours to people who visited his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. He loved to make a stop in daughter Ivanka’s bedroom and tell people that the decorative tiles were hand-painted by Walt Disney himself. That story is not true, according to Senecal.


The InstaFamous Trump


Youngest Trump daughter Tiffany is a huge hit on the photo-sharing app Instagram. She and her friends post pictures of their luxurious lifestyles, sharing them with her thousands of followers. She even has a bunch of A-list best friends! Rumor has it that she's even become quite close with Anna Wintour of Vogue, possibly after her internship at the magazine.


What does Tiffany do when she isn't partying? Read on to find out.


Oops! Melania Favorited A Tweet On Unhappy Marriage


Imagine your surprise if Melania Trump herself "liked" a tweet you'd posted that claimed her marriage with the president was falling apart. That's exactly what happened to one Twitter user who had written, "Seems the only #wall @realDonaldTrump's built is the one between him and @FLOTUS #Melania #trump." He later received a notification that Melania Trump had favorited a tweet (since retracted). It was probably an error on her part.


Is There A Sister Rivalry?


Ivanka grew up in the spotlight and was groomed from an early age to work for the family business. This was not the case with Tiffany, who was raised by her mother in California. In an interview with Vanity Fair about Ivanka,Donald said, “What a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married, and, ya know, her father . . .” and her brother Eric doesn't hesitate to call her the favorite of the kids. Tiffany also is the only child who isn't involved in the family business. Read more to find out why Tiffany is in the second place spot for her father's affection.


Family Baby Barron Lives The High Life


Barron attended the most expensive private school in all of New York City before he and his mother moved into the White House. The prep school is so posh that the name of it has never even been released by the Trumps! However, Barron's current school is publicly known. He attends St. Andrew's Episcopal School in Potomac, Maryland. We're positive that St. Andrew's is still pretty exclusive even though we're allowed to know its name.


Trump Said He Would Date His Daughter


Before joining the family business, Ivanka was a successful model. Once she was garnering a lot of publicity for her modeling, her father famously said: "If she weren't my daughter, perhaps I would be dating her." Yes, she's a lovely lady but most would agree that this kind of comment from a father about his own daughter is pretty out of line and inappropriate.


Barron Has a Whole Floor To Himself in NYC


When the Trumps stay in their Manhattan penthouse apartment, Barron gets his very own floor to his own. Despite the luxury of the family's lifestyle, his mother Melania still wants him to live as normal an existence as possible. So Barron doesn't have a nanny although the family does use the services of cleaners and cooks. What does Barron spend his free time doing? Find out by reading further...


Eric Trump Married Money


Eric Trump lives with his wife Lara Yunaska Trump in a $2 million home. The mansion was probably funded at least partially with his family's money, but we're also sure that his wife's fortune, which she earned as the host of Real News Update, helped seal the deal. Lara went to school at North Carolina State University and also studied at the French Culinary Institute in New York.


No Secret Service for Tiffany


Tiffany was the only Trump child who did not initially receive Secret Service protection. That changed as her father's campaign heated up and half-brother Eric received a threatening letter along with some suspicious white powder. After that incident, Tiffany and her mom Marla Maples were given Secret Service protection. Marla talked to People about it and said: "I always knew that this would be happening. It was something we talked about when we were first together, him running for president and what that would mean for our family."


Rich Kids Of Instagram


Tiffany and her group of besties friends have given themselves a nickname: they refer to their clique as the "Rich Kids of Instagram." They enjoy sharing all their luxurious exploits with their followers, showing off exotic vacations and drool-worthy cars and wardrobes. We're not sure if this kind of showiness is appropriate for the daughter of the president, but it seems that Tiffany has toned things down in recent years.


Donald Jr. Had A Really Wild Year (and Had to Quit Partying)


As many recent graduates do (sarcasm), Donald Trump, Jr. took an entire year off to party after college. He graduated from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and then headed to Aspen, Colorado for some R & R. He might have overdone it a bit, because he swore off "partying" for good after the break.


Ivanka Was In A Documentary Called Born Rich


You know someone featured a documentary called Born Rich is seriously wealthy. The president's favorite daughter Ivanka appeared in the documentary in 2003, more than a decade before he announced his candidacy. She was a 21-year-old college student at the time. In one scene, she announced: "No matter what I hear about my parents, about my family, no matter what I read, the fact is that I'm absolutely proud to be a Trump."


Does Eric Love Victim Shaming? Some Say So


In 2016, Eric Trump made headlines (the bad kind) when he allegedly "victim blamed" women who had gone through rape or sexual assault. The exact statement he made was that his sister Ivanka "wouldn't allow herself to be subjected to a sexual assault." Obviously, many people were angered by this sexist and ignorant comment. Eric never issued any type of apology for his hurtful words.


Tiffany Interned at Vogue Magazine


What a gig! Tiffany Trump got to spend a summer working as an intern at the legendary Vogue magazine. What an opportunity for someone just getting started in their career. It’s said that Ivanka helped her land the amazing job. With powerful connections like that, Tiffany has nowhere to go but up!


The Donald Is Creepy About Ivanka


The weird, inappropriate way Donald Trump talks about his daughter Ivanka is now notorious. The two seem to have a very close, almost "creepy" relationship. Trump claims that there's nothing other than a "normal father-daughter caring relationship" going on. But when he commented that he'd date Ivanka if she weren't his own daughter, tongues certainly started wagging.


Ivanka's Had Some Legal Troubles


It's tough to run a business. Although Ivanka Trump's line of fashion accessories has been somewhat successful, she's experienced quite a few legal issues as a result. For example, Ivanka was forced to pull a line of scarves out of the Chinese market because they ended up highly flammable. In another case, her shoe line was sued for copyright infringement. And in 2017, high-end Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus stopped selling her products altogether, citing "poor sales performance".


Penn Quaker Tiffany


What an accomplishment! Tiffany graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2017. Attending the school is a Trump family tradition. Although she might have projected a "party girl" image while in school, she was serious about her studies and even had a double major (sociology and urban studies). She's now in law school.


It Was Just a "Small Loan"


Sure, all of the Trump kids are highly successful. If you think about it, it would actually be pretty difficult not to succeed, given all the financial help and opportunity that they've been granted their entire lives. This is just like their father, who has said that he started out with a "small loan of $1 million" from his own dad. We wouldn't quite call a million bucks a small amount...


There Could Have Been A Trump Pop Star?

UNITED STATES - JULY 19: Tiffany Trump, daughter of Donald Trump, speaks at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio on Monday, July 19, 2016. (Photo By Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call)
UNITED STATES - JULY 19: Tiffany Trump, daughter of Donald Trump, speaks at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio on Monday, July 19, 2016. (Photo By Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call)

At one point, Tiffany had considered trying to establish a career as a pop star. She went so far as to release one single, which received pretty good reviews online. Reportedly, however, she abandoned the goal of being a singer after her father became the president.


The Trumps All Look Like Donald


It’s a little startling how much Donald Sr's. five children look like him! And the kids also resemble each other, as well as their Trump aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Those are some seriously strong genes, and Trump has been known to brag about how much his kids look like him.


Budget? No Way!


Many American children grow up with the experience of getting a set allowance. Of course, the Trump kids are not like other American kids though. One glaring way this is obvious is that none of them ever had a limit or budget when it came to spending money. That must have been pretty fun! We can only imagine what it was like hitting up FAO Schwarz!


Another Hunting Trump


Just like Donald, Jr., Eric Trump is also a fan of hunting for sport. The two have been to Zimbabwe together several times to pursue their shared hobby. Eric even calls himself an "avid outdoorsman," and would rather have been hunting than hitting the campaign trail. Although we don’t personally get it, hunting is considered a legitimate sport to many.


Ivanka Was A Judge On The Apprentice


Did you know she was a television personality too? Well before she wrote a New York Times Best Seller, Ivanka Trump had a place as a judge on her father's reality television series. You might have heard of it... The Apprentice. Ivanka was a fan favorite on the show, due to her smarts, sharp business acumen, and quick decision-making.


Which makes it surprising that she once forgot something really important. Curious? Keep reading.


An Incredible Honor For One Trump


This is quite an honor, and one his family was surely ecstatic about. Forbes magazine named Eric Trump one of its choices for their annual "Top 30 Under 30" list. The impressive designation is awarded to young people who are already successful in business. Congrats, Eric!


An Embarrassing Mistake


At the 2016 Republican National Convention, Melania Trump gave a speech in support of her husband. Unfortunately for her, the speech drew criticism because it was almost identical to the one Michelle Obama gave at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. Her speechwriter, Meredith McIver, took the blame, but a lot of people thought that Melania should have recognized how similar the speeches were before she presented hers.


Ivanka Converted To Judaism For Love


Ivanka converted to Judaism when she was married to Jared Kushner. She even eats a Kosher diet and legally changed her first name to Yael (which, oddly, means "mountain goat). Changing religions requires quite a serious time commitment, so she must be very dedicated to her husband and her new faith. In fact it can take up to ten years to officially become Jewish.


She Was Just Laying Low


Some people were a bit surprised when Tiffany made a speech on behalf of her father at the 2016 Republican National Convention. This is due to the fact that she largely stayed out of his political campaign until then. Give her a break, though -- she was still attending university. But while in school she still managed to support him on social media and on a couple of campaign stops.


Tiffany's Place In The Family


Tiffany reportedly doesn't make much of an effort to see her family, and the same goes for talking to them. She does enjoy the time they're able to spend together but since none of the other Trump kids are technically her "full siblings" she might feel a little bit isolated. Its appears that she handles her position in the family just fine, though.


She Didn't Vote?


Now, this is difficult to believe or understand. Daughter Ivanka Trump completely forgot to register to vote in the state of New York. That means that when election day (November 8th, 2016) came around, she couldn't even cast a ballot for her own dad! Considering what a public supporter she had been of his presidential campaign, that is a glaring oversight. Perhaps Ivanka is used to other people taking care of this type of thing for her.


The Hotel Business Lives On


Trump kids Eric, Ivanka, and Don Jr. co-founded a line of luxury, five-star hotels. The company is named The Trump Hotel Company, and there are hotels located all around the globe from the United States to Central America, Europe, and Asia. They certainly follow in their father's footsteps.


One Family United By One Company


Donald Trump Jr.'s first and only job has been working for his dad's business, the Trump Company. A lot of people end up working for the family business but many of them have other jobs first. So this means that Trump Jr. has never had to go through the job application and interview process like the rest of us plebians. We think job hunting should be a required rite of passage!


How Could They Have Forgotten?


Yet another of Trump's kids was unable to vote for their father in the 2016 election. Eric Trump also forgot to register to vote! This is incredibly difficult to believe. Perhaps Eric and Ivanka were just so confident that their dad would win that they didn't feel it necessary to hit the polls.


Barron Loves Sports


Just like many young men, Barron Trump is quite active and enjoys playing sports. He's on his school's tennis and baseball teams and classmates say he's really good at both sports. He also plays golf with his dad (of course!) and enjoys being outdoors. It comes as a bit of a surprise that he's able to carve out some time to do normal, everyday things despite his anything-but-normal life.


A Growing Family


In March of 2016, Ivanka and Jared Kushner had a son named Theodore James. In June of that year, proud auntie Tiffany was pictured on Instagram holding the little boy. Theodore crawled for the very first time when he was visiting the White House -- not an honor many babies can claim!


Trump Even Blocked A Mom on Twitter


A mother named Heather Spohr is one of the many Twitter users who Trump has blocked from following him on Twitter. This is a result of her calling the president “repulsive" regarding his behavior towards Fox News anchor Megan Kelly. Spohr is unable to see his tweets or even follow him at all. Unfortunately for her, the president tends to use Twitter as one of his main means of communicating with the general public. One presidential historian at NYU said, "The president should speak to all Americans directly and not filter people out." Trump has repeatedly blocked Twitter users who disagree with his political views.


Who is Trump’s Father-in-Law?


Melania’s father turns out to be a card-carrying member of the communist party. People familiar with the family say that his decision to join the party stemmed from a wish for benefits such as good employment opportunities. His name is Viktor Knavs and he still lives in Slovenia. It’s said that he has a similar personality to Donald ’s. Knavs has worked as a chauffeur and a used car salesman in the past.


Secret Sibling


Every family has some secrets… what kind of skeletons is Melania’s family tree hiding? A pretty big one, apparently! Melania has a brother who has never met Donald OR the First Lady herself! 50-year-old Denis Cigelnjak told the Daily Mail that he’d love to grab a pizza or a beer with Melania someday. He also has another half-sister he hasn’t met, named Ines Knavs.


Chameleon Eyes


Have you noticed that Ivanka’s eyes seem to change color from time to time? The former model even matches her contacts to her hair color and outfits. It’s a subtle change, but once it’s been pointed out it’s hard not to notice that her eyes are different colors every time you see her. Although her eyes are normally a deep brown, she’s also been spotted with green, hazel, and blue contacts at times.


She's A Hands-On Mother


Melania dished some details about how raising Barron in an interview with Parenting. "I think the #1 parenting secret is that it is so important to have a good listening skills. I listen to what he says, what troubles him, and what he is excited about,” she said. Sounds like great advice for any parent!


No Sweatpants For Barron


Barron probably considers this to be TMI, but in a 2013 interview, Melania confessed that she uses her own beauty care line on him. "It smells very, very fresh. I put it on him from head to toe. He likes it," she said about her brand’s Caviar Complex C6 moisturizer. In the same interview, Melania confided that Barron is "not a sweatpants child. He doesn't mind putting on [a suit]-but not every day- and he likes to dress up in a tie sometimes like Daddy."


Will They Have An Even Bigger Family Someday?


Melania is a good mother and has said that she’d like to have more kids. However, she’s way too busy for that right now! The First Lady once stated, "I don't like to say never, but my life is very busy. We are happy and my hands are full with my two boys — my big boy and my little boy [Donald Trump]!"


Melania Is More Charitable Than You Know


Because she is a bit reserved in public, many people don’t know that but Melania Trump has a very big heart. She works with many charities including The Breast Cancer Research Foundation, the American Red Cross, the Police Athletic League, and the Boy's Club of New York. She also served as the spokeswoman of National Child Abuse Prevention Month and the Fifth Annual National Love Our Children Day.


Tiffany Dates A Democrat!


Tiffany met her now-boyfriend Ross Mechanic while attending the University of Pennsylvania. But he’s not any average Joe Schmo. Mechanic also runs with an elite crowd, as his father Jonathan Mechanic is a successful New York real estate lawyer. Mechanic graduated in 2016 and later became an intern for Jared Kushner’s real estate investment company. But even though this might make him seem like an ideal future son-in-law for "The Donald," there's a yuge catch, according to the Daily Mail: he and his family are all registered Democrats!


Do They Live Together?


It's common knowledge that Donald and Melania have periodically lived apart due to his campaign and presidency. When Trump first became president, Melania stayed at Trump Tower in New York City with Barron, while Donald lived and worked at the White House. Melania and Barron moved to D.C. when Barron's school year ended, but it’s still not clear whether she shares a living space with Donald. In 2016 a source revealed the following to GQ magazine: "Melania has said the key to the success of her marriage is separate bathrooms." Because of this statement, some have speculated that they sleep in separate bedrooms and that Melania is not happy with her family becoming America's First Family.


Does Ivanka's Brand Violate Labor Laws?


Although Trump claims to want more manufacturing jobs to remain in America, Ivanka's fashion line continues to make their clothing in a Chinese factory. Laborers there are over-worked and underpaid. In fact, the Fair Labor Association reported 24 violations at the factory under the U.N. International Labor Organization in October of 2016. NBC News reported that some of the complaints included having workers on shift for too many overtime hours (the maximum is 36 overtime hours per month) and only paying them between $255 - $284 per month (in US dollars). as Although Ivanka has been distancing herself from the company since she took a position in the White House, many think she should still be held accountable for these questionable management choices.


Tiffany's Snap Pack


Tiffany Trump made an obvious effort to boost her professionalism when Trump was inaugurated as President in early 2017. Even so, she has been reverting to her old ways and is frequently pictured with the "Snap Pack." That’s the nickname of her group of privileged friends who are all the heirs of huge fortunes. They seem to love flaunting their wealth and posting all about their lavish parties and world travel on social media. Some take Tiffany’s association with the group as a sign that she is not as mature as her siblings.


Are His Former And Current Wives Feuding?


Trump’s first wife Ivana released a memoir titled Raising Trump in October 2017. In it, she says that she was responsible for raising the three kids that she and Trump had together.

During a promotional interview, Ivana made the following statement to ABC. "I have the direct number to White House but I don't really want to call him there because Melania is there and I don't really want to cause any kind of jealousy or something like that because I'm basically first Trump wife, OK? I'm first lady, OK?" Reportedly, First Lady Melania is furious about the comments. She issued a statement of her own: "There is clearly no substance to this statement from an ex, this is unfortunately only attention-seeking and self-serving noise."


So Many Email Problems


Most people probably remember Donald Trump’s repeated calls for Hillary Clinton to be sent to prison (“lock her up!”) because she had used a private email server for official business. But now, it turns out that Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner were doing the same thing with their own private server.

Politico reported in October 2017 that "[h]undreds of emails have been sent since January from White House addresses to accounts on the Kushner family domain." The statement further said that the "use of private email accounts for White House business also raises concerns about the security of potentially sensitive government documents, which have been forwarded to private accounts." Since this came to light, Ivanka and Jared’s email accounts were moved to a Trump Organization server.