These Are The Most Intense Sibling Rivalries Hollywood Has Ever Seen

Mark And Donnie Wahlberg Aren’t The New Kids Anymore


Photo Credit: Kevin Winter/Getty Images

At one point in time, both Mark and Donnie Wahlberg were just as famous as each other. No sibling rivalry needed. Then Marky Mark put pants on and became a huge movie star. Donnie tried to be a huge movie star and ended up settling for a healthy television career.

As far as we know this is nothing more than a friendly rivalry. The two have never appeared to hate each other in person. Donnie has a good thing going for himself with Blue Bloods on CBS right now. It’s not his fault he wasn’t blessed with the kind of chiseled jaw you need to find the Autobots and Decepticons. Just ahead, Beyoncé‘s sister and husband fight for her love.