You’ll Love These Worst Lip Syncing Moments In Hollywood History

Cheryl Cole’s “Call My Name” Embarrassment

Can anyone hear Cheryl during this performance, because we sure as heck are not able to hear her. In the most hushed live performance, that, in her defense, does actually display a serious on-stage work out with her backup dancers, Cheryl Cole is virtually sonically undetectable. You don’t believe us, though, we can tell.


Is whisper too strong of a word? In this case, no. Seriously, you would not even know what song she was performing at all if it wasn’t labeled “Call My Name” on the video. Speak up beautiful Cheryl! Especially when you are on stage your own music show!

50 Cent’s Infamous Jacket Removal

We knew that 50 Cent’s skills were magical, but we didn’t know that he could actually sing without moving his lips. Did you? Well, 50 ruined every young aspiring rapper’s dreams during the 2007 BET Awards when he was caught neglecting to lip sync to his recorded track while taking off his jacket.


Parading around the vicinity of the arena after the embarrassing and revealing moment, it just made the rest of his performance that much more awkward and disappointing. Lip syncing rap? Where will the line be drawn? It shouldn’t be that hard considering it’s your sole talent in this world, 50.